Ethos, Values and FBV’s
” I feel its important to have school values, they guide you on the right path” voice of the WPS child 2023
“The school values help us to work as a team, be kind and show respect towards people” voice of the WPS child 2023
” The school values make me feel so included and the way we follow the school values makes me feel like they hold us together” voice of the WPS child 2023
All of our work at WPS is values led – we have three key phrases to describe our school – we are values led, we have whole school approaches but we also personalise learning.
The following page shares information about our school values and the teaching of FBV’s at WPS. You can also read our strategy for teaching the FBV’S below. (Fundamental British Values)
Our WPS values lead the way in all our work and provide the foundations of our welcoming and supportive school ethos.
We worked together to establish our values when WPS first opened in September 2011, they are the Olympic and Paralympic values.
In September 2015 we reviewed our values and added Teamwork and Self-belief. Children also worked to design our values symbols.
In 2017 the children added the value of kindness, making our WPS values complete.
Our values are reviewed on an annual basis.
In 2023 we started a special focus on our value of equality. Children and staff worked to establish our school definition of equality.
This is:

Our values can be found around our school buildings and grounds you can even find a Spanish version of them if you look very carefully.
We combine our values and FBV’s to ensure WPS children are prepared for life in modern Britain.
As directed by the Department for Education schools have duty to actively promote the Fundamental British Values of:
- Democracy
- The Rule of Law
- Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect
- Tolerance of those with different faiths and belief
These values were first set out by the government in the Prevent Strategy in 2011, in November 2014 schools were required to have strategy for teaching and embedding these.
You can view the WPS strategy below along with further information about the Woolton Way and SMSC.
Please click on the link below for further information about The Woolton Way.
FBV = Fundamental British Values
SMSC = Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development
WPS Strategy for Teaching Fundamental British Values

Click here to link Information about PSHCE and SMSC at WPS PSHCE RSE and SMSC at WPS
Prevent Statement and Guidance
Prevent Statement 2023-24
At Woolton Primary School we aim to prepare our students to become good citizens of the future. Through our curriculum we teach pupils British values and how to celebrate diversity. We aim to raise their awareness of radicalisation and extremist views, whatever the source. We have adopted the principles and advice found in Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 and the ‘Prevent Strategy 2011. These are incorporated into our school approach to tackling extremism.