Reading at WPS

Clcik on the blue link to learn more about Reading for Pleasure at WPS.
You can also find out more about Blaise the Bus and the Giant Library Book by clicking here.
Teaching Reading at WPS
Teaching children to read at WPS is a key priority for all staff. As well as becoming competent readers we also want to support our children to develop a love of reading and enjoy reading for pleasure.
As well as a focussed approach to teaching reading, we also promote reading through regular events and activities for our children including regular Festivals of Reading, our Ranbow Reader Awards and working with our storyteller in residence, Gav.
We have also developed two special reading for pleasure areas, Blaise the Bus and the Giant Library Book, both are wonderful library spaces and are used for many different reading activities to take place.
Please click on the blue link for our progression in reading information – Reading at WPS
EYFS and KS1 Phonics
Our English lead (Mrs Blair) EYFS Lead ( Miss O’Connor) and Phonics lead ( Mrs Clarke) work together to ensure that all WPS children get off to the best start in their reading journey and that there is continuity in practice from EYFS though KS1 and into KS2.
At WPS the reading journey begins with encouraging an interest and love of books and the teaching of phonics.
Through phonics teaching, our primary aim is to teach the children the phonetic skills they require to be able to blend words fluently with the expectation that they will develop as fluent readers as they progress through the school.
Our teaching of phonics is based on the Read Write Inc Programme. We have used theis appraoch since 2013 and find this achieves positive outcomes for our children. Staff recieve regular training in the delivery of Read Write Inc.
We teach synthetic phonics systematically throughout EYFS and Key Stage 1 and into KS 2 if needed.
Children start to learn phonics as soon as they start Nursery and from the very first day in Reception they take part in daily phonics lessons.
Every day we teach a 20 minute phonics lesson and the children are streamed across Year 1 according to their strength in this area. We endeavour to make the sessions fun and interactive for the children using a range of stimulating resources and approaches.
Phonic knowledge and skills are regularly monitored and assessed so teaching and groupings can be adjusted to ensure rapid and sustained progress.
Link to information about Read write Inc by clicking on the blue link here – Teaching Phonics and Read Write INC at WPS
Phonic support in KS2
Children who require further phonic support in Key Stage Two follow the Toe-By-Toe programme to enable them to reach age related expectations in reading. Their progress is closely monitored, reviewd and celebrated.
WPS Reading through the Key Stages
To support phonic teaching in EYFS and Y1, children read Read Write Inc books and Oxford Reading Tree books that promote the de-coding of words. In Y2 children use Oxford Reading Tree books which focus on widening the children’s vocabulary and fluency, and less on de-codable books. Rainbow readers celebrates achievement in reading and children are encouraged to read for pleasure using the many book areas available to them in KS1. In Key Stage 2 (Year 3–6) children continue to use Oxford Reading and Tree Tops to develop their reading. Children are encouraged to appreciate books, to read independently, to make good progress and to take pleasure in reading. We aim to foster skills which will remain with the children for life. In addition, guided reading sessions take place on a regular basis from EYFS to Y6. In these sessions children are exposed to rich and varied texts, harnessing their imaginations and developing reading skills and spoken vocabulary. Click on the blue link to find out more about Oxford Reading Books.Oxford Reading Tree and Tree TopsClass Library AreasWPS class libraries are updated annually with ranges of current reads both fiction and non-fiction.Books are carefully selected to ensure a clearly diverse and representative range. All libraries have a selection of Black History focussed books.Pupil voice opinions are sought when books are updated. In 2022 children were keen to see more action adventure books, comedy books and books with stories to reflect on. We have been able to update libraries with a range of these books. Another priority was poetry books and all class libraries have had an update of current poetry books. |
Support for parents/carers
Please click on the blue links below to read information about supporting your child with reading.
Supporting your child with reading
Tips to support your child with reading
Book Start Reading with 3-4 year olds
Reading support at WPS
Pupils who are working below age-related expectations in reading all experience daily reading at school to support their progress.
Barrington Stoke books are used as additional reading material to provide a wider choice of age appropriate reading materials for children needing additional support, these are also dyslexia friendly books. Click here to find out more about Barrington Stoke Books – Barrington Stoke Books
Children may also access one-to-one tuition and the five minute box (new) for further support. Class teachers will decide what support is most appropriate and this will be shared with parents.
How we promote reading at WPS
- All pupils have a reading record so that they can record their reading at home and receive encouragement in school
- All pupils are encouraged to read at home four or more times a week
- Use of Accelerated Reader in KS2 to engage children to read and to improve acquisition of comprehension skills
- All classes have a termly spotlight on reading to promote authors, genres and other aspects of reading (new)
- Our Rainbow Reader Awards celebrate effort and regular reading – click here to link to Rainbow Reader information –Rainbow Readers Award
- Postcards home share good reading news with families
- We have special events throughout the school year with a focus on reading. These include our Reading Festival, World Book Day and Liverpool Learning Partnership events.
- All classes have a class novel every half- term
- All classes have a dedicated reading area
- Reading is further promoted through our whole school shared reading areas, Blaise the Bus and The Giant Library Book.
- Children from KS2 act as reading buddies for younger children
- Mystery Readers attend school to read to classes
- Parents volunteer as reading helpers
- Parental information sessions about supporting your child with reading and phonics are held
Liverpool Learning Partnership
We always link with Liverpool Learning Partnership to take part in the events at the Liverpool Festival of Reading. Follwoing on from these activities we organsie our own festivals of reading ona regular basis. These promote reading for pleasure through special author visits and with our own storyteller in residence Gav Cross.
Follow the blue link to the Liverpool Learning Partnership.
Liverpool Learning Partnership and Fesitval of Reading
Any questions?
Please contact school to discuss any questions you may have about your child’s reading or progress.
We want to work together to ensure your child achieves their potential in reading at WPS.